Saturday, March 16

March Madness

Hi everyone - hope your winter is treating you well and your as excited for spring as much as I am.. I’m writing you with a few announcements, the first being that I had to step down as Pope back in Feburary. Apparently the Vatican just found out that by decoding some of my lyrics you will find plans to overthrow the religious goverment..

Second of all, I wanted you to know that I have indeed been busy writing and working on new music for you to hear. I have a bunch of material/songs in various stages of completion and am in the midst of organizing which songs go with which. Stylistically, they’re all over the map (what’s new?) and after agonizing over the ongoing "Is The Album A Dead Artform?" arguments, I’ve decided I should, for now at least, release music in smaller doses on a more regular basis, and then these can be compiled at a later date onto a long-form album release for those who still cling to such things (as I sometimes do). So, that being said, watch for a new EP this Spring, with more to come shortly thereafter. I’m aiming to release the short-form releases digitally and virally, and then trot out the old CD burner for the full-length one when it comes along.

Did you guys see my brief appearance on the Lyrical Measurment Recap video last week? I had a couple of moments in their well edited line up. Big shouts to Kurt Hustle bringing me along on that. It was a fun show and Im looking forward to the next. I hyped and dropped some verses. Meeting and making new connections and networking was the main goal, not to mention the girls I met which is probably the best part.:)

If you missed it, here’s a link to the Youtube video-

Speaking of video, please feel free to take video if you’re at any of my shows - sometimes I get home from doing a show that I’ve been really happy with and want to show my family and then realize that people were being polite and hadn’t posted stuff. I think YouTube is a pretty cool resource for archiving shows, and you can be a part of that. Basically what I’m saying is that if they announce on a ticket or onstage that no photos or video is allowed, it’s not coming from me!

Im also going to start posting some of my vlogs on its own page right here on my site so you can come here to watch them.

Either way, you should check on the videos on the Music section of my site - I recently uploaded a new track called 'Note to Self'. It’s also on my YouTube if you’d like to look there.

I’ll leave you with a quote "If you're lucky enough to be different from everyone else, please don't change. Remember happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think."

Keep checking for shows and songs to come. They will also be up on my facebook page,!/pages/Skripture/126495390755264?fref=ts which I urge you to "Like," because I don’t use any of those facebook-fan-buying schemes like some other musicians do. Unless you consider my bribe of a free radish. I’m also on Twitter, @skriptzz if you are a tweeting type.

Thanks for reading and I hope you’re feeling a little more caught up now. Now back to nature and music!


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