Other than a small slip up with a so-called 'scratch' on our brandnew cd with our set list, The show went alright. There was 100 off and on guest that night and it proved to be a great opportunity to network with some Canadian talent. 10+ acts hit the stage and delivered a slew of different styles and lyrical diversity. After properly hyping the crowd I signaled the DJ, my dude Kurt hit home plate and the people went wild. I dropped a verse on our 'So what' track. Nearing the end is when the mishap-happened. All in all it was a good night. We would of liked to see more local people/friends have come out but there will be many more shows in the future. Special thanks to Shining Starz Tour for letting me get involved. Shout out Kurt Hustle for the Invite! Stay tuned for the next listing!!
S/O Kurt Hustle for the invite to hit the stage with him in St. Catharines on the 20th!! I hope to see new, and a few familiar faces there. Tickets are $10 and that includes the Afterparty aswell.