OTR: Skripture , what’s good fam? For those who don’t know, could you just give a short review of what you’ve experienced in your music career up until now?
S: Alot of changes. Ive seen the industry go through a few and watched rap change along with it. However, Ive met alot of great people along the way that keep me inspired and allow me to wanna pick up that pen.
OTR: Coming from Burlington, how does that shape your attitude to the music/culture?
S: Burlington was a fresh slate when I was growing up. There were more oppunties being a new suburban area that allowed Rap to take off in the early 90's. Myself and a few other spawned a scene that quickly spread and before you knew it we were slangin cd's instead of drugs. Rappers came out from the wood works and reaveled their like-talents. Burlington's Inner-city outlook gave our music a wide range of topics to work with.
OTR: You’ve got a new album in the works called "High Water"? Can you give us a little background on it and what the concept behind it is?
S: Conceptual. Ive had the same album idea as an entirely for sometime now. It changes slightly as the year goes on but all I can tell you is it will be like nothing you have heard before. It touches on my last string as a battle-rapper and begins a new emcee of integrity.
OTR: With this new album, what artists and producers are you connecting with this time around? and what’s your label situation like just now?
S: Im working with alot of local talent insted of just reaching out over the net. I wanted to connect with the community and support the people around me. As for artists, I still have a few projects Id like to accomplish before its due date. As it stands, I have two features from artists who at ths time will remain a secret.
OTR: Where do you get the inspiration to write the type of material you do? what is the writing process like when it comes to working on your projects?
S: Depresson stems some of my best work. I can cater to alot of styles these days, but when it comes to story telling, I think that is my forte. Inspiration comes from everyday events and alot of the times Im just gettin something off my chest. Therapy is what happens after something comes straight from your heart and on to the page. When I write, It must be quiet, I must be alone, and most importantly need a feathered quill pen.
OTR: How will this new album "High Water" differ from your previous release, and how do you think you’ve changed as an artist since you released that Mixtape back in 2004? S: My older stuff is jam packed with rhyming words but lacks context. My new music comes from an older veiwpoint, and also mingles with jazz loops and piano samples. I am alot more philisophical now.
OTR: What do you think is your most defining and unique characteristic that sets you apart from every other emcee out there? and how would you describe your style to those who still haven’t heard your music?
S: Its important to me that music is more than just words to a beat. I take the time to write a song, and keep the listener intune by keepng a strict syllable limit when I write. I would tell anyone to give my music a listen to if their tired of the same old 'money, cash, hoes' cliche.
OTR: What is on tap for Skripture for 2011 and beyond? do you have anything to say to the fans? anything you wanna get off your chest? any shout outs?
S: S: Im just gonna keep doing my thing. I will keep releasing music for as long as I need to. I dont see me stopping anytime soon. To my fans, thanks for being honest with me always. Shout out to my girl Skye who never stops beleiving, and a big hand for all the haters out there who keep my blood flowing.
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